Travel Analytics Dashboards
Users have access to seven standard dashboards: Summary, Airfare, Accommodation, Rental Car, Service Fee, Traveller and Download Reports.
Summary dashboard
Provides users with an overall picture of their travel expenditure covering air, accommodation, rental car, service fees and other expenditure booked through the travel management company. It also contains data and statistical information on travel compliance, top traveller by expenditure and trips by destination.
Airfare dashboard
Provides users with details of their airfares booked, including data on expenditure and transactional volumes. It also contains information on expenditure by destination, airline market share, travel by class and description. Clickable events within the dashboard allow users to drill into the data to view additional expenditure and statistical information.
Accommodation dashboard
Provides users with details of their accommodation booked, including expenditure and transactional volumes. It also contains a mapping feature which allows users to drill down on hotel expenditure within specific locations and a table which allows useCamb9827rs to search for individual hotels, countries and locations.
Rental Car dashboard
Provides users with details of their rental car spend and number of hire days, average daily rate, any ancillary charges and average hire days. It also contains a mapping feature which allows users to drill down on spend by supplier/hire company into spend by car type. A table allows users to search for individual providers by country and location.
Service Fees dashboard
Provides users with details of their service fee spend, including transactional volumes and statistics. A table provides an analysis by Fee type with the capability to drill down to the individual booking references for further analysis.
Traveller dashboard
Provides details of the number of travellers v number of bookings and gives statistical information on trip frequency and traveller compliance. A table provides the travel spend by individual traveller and clickable events within this table allow users to drill into the data to view row by row data.
Download Reports dashboard
Allows users to download the data in full, to download a summary report or to download a printable report.