Service Fees Dashboard

The Service Fees dashboard provides users with details of their service fee spend, including transactional volumes and statistics.  A table provides an analysis by Fee type with the capability to drill down to the individual booking references for further analysis.

Across the top of this dashboard, you can view the Total Service Fees Charged and the Number of Transactions* involved, how many zero $ fee transactions there were and the Percentage of Fees without Charge in the blue box.  The green box contains statistical information for the $ spend.

The Service Fee Spend Analysis table can be sorted by any of the column headings.  Clicking into any row of data, will bring up a table with the booking by booking data behind the $ spend.  Click either the Print or Download button for a csv format file. 

Administrators will be able to edit the Fee Type Description by clicking on the edit button on the right of each row to bring up an editing box.  Type your new Description and click OK.

Adminstrators can also consolidate duplicates. Click here to read how Service Fees Management.

* It is important to note that the Number of Transactions is calculated based on the number of times service fees are line items on invoices.  So for example, if an invoice has two rows charged for 'After hours fee', then we will count two transactions for that invoice.  However, if there is a single row of data where the 'After hours fee' has been double charged, then we will count one transaction for that invoice.  This is particularly important to understand when considering the 'Average Fee Charge' result in cases where the average fee may not match the expected average fee.  

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