Rental Car Dashboard
The Rental Car dashboard provides users with details of their rental car spend and number of hire days, average daily rate, any ancillary charges and average hire days. The data includes all car hire booked with pickup dates in the date range selected including bookings for hire in the date range which may have been invoiced in another date range.
It also contains a mapping feature which allows users to drill down on spend by supplier/hire company into spend by car type. A table allows users to search for individual providers by country and location.
The data in this table is displayed based on the date of service.
Across the top of this dashboard, the total cost of rental car bookings and number of hire days is detailed in the blue box. In the green box you will find the average daily rate, average ancillary charges and average hire days statistics and the red box will display the percentage of bookings for car rental made online.
Hover over the Rental Car Spend by Month columns to view the $ spend by month.
Hover over the segments in the Rental Car Spend by Supplier graphic to view the $ spend and percentage of business each supplier has. Click into each and hover over each supplier's piece to drill down into the Rental Car Spend by Car Type graphic shown here on the right. Return via the back button.
The final table on this dashboard, the Rental Car Analysis by Location, can be sorted by any of the column headings (ie. country, location, provider name, car only spend, etc).
Clicking into any cell in the table will bring up the data behind that row listing booking reference, traveller name, cost centre, arrival and departure dates, room nights, ancillary spend and total spend. All of this is downloadable via the button into csv format.
Ancilliary charges include charges like petrol and tolls which have been recorded as a misc line item when a chargeback is processed.