Reference Data Mapping
Administrators can now map additional Tramada reference data so it appears in Travel Analytics report downloads. These are the references you may include in your bookings when your customers have travel approvers, employee numbers, etc.
We automatically import and display matter number, order number, the reason for travel code and reason for travel description for Raw Data and Yellowfin importers. If you use the additional booking reference fields from 1 to 15, you will need to map them to have the data displayed in the reports.
Note: you will need to map reference for both Yellowfin and Raw Data
To get started, click on the Admin Menu > Settings. In the settings table, click on the References tab and select the data source. There are two options for the data source.
The first option is RAW DATA, which is the original Tramada / Travel Analytics importer and supports the mapping of booking_references_1 to 5. The second option is Yellowfin, which is the daily importer, which supports the mapping of reference_values_1 to 15. You will need to map both data sources if you import data using both importers.
To map the references, select the customer from the table and click ‘add’. In the pop-up, select the reference field you wish to map. In the example below, booking_reference_1 has been selected. In this example, we are updating the Raw Data mapping. If you were updating the Yellowfin mapping, you would see reference_value_1, reference_value_2, etc in your dropdown.
You now have the option to override an existing data field (i.e. cost centre) or rename the field so it can be displayed in the customer's reports (i.e. approver, employee number, travel fund, travel booker etc.). If you select to override cost_centre_name, department_level_1_name (or department_name) , booking_reason_for_travel (or reason_for_travel_code) or booked_by (customer_booking_name) with the data that comes in from your booking references 1 to 5 (or 15), you will need to re-import your data (more on that later).
Otherwise, you can name the field to suit your customers preference. For example, if reference 2 in your Tramada data is the name of the person who approved the travel, simply enter Travel Approver in the text box. Add additional references by clicking on the + button.
To add more booking references, click the + sign button.
Once you have finished, you can select OK and the application will be updated.
All renames will work automatically for all the data.
Any overrides will only happen from the next import (i.e. the next day) and not the historical data. If you need the historical data updated, there will be a $250 charge to do this, as we need to manually re-import the customer's data.
The next time you go into the feature, you will see a record of your previous edit.